Recent WTFU Articles

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Karl: What you are trying to do is get people to wake the fuck up. Isn’t that right?

Bob E. Yes, that’s right.

Karl: People need to wake the fuck up.

Lean management, TPS, or any effort with the wholesome intention of “change for the better,” is destined to struggle or fail if people won’t wake up and understand the current state of leadership and its devotion to the status quo. The world needs “change for the better” now more than ever. But the way people have been going about it in the past is no good for the future. Improvement is needed.

Here is a selection of recent posts on the theme of “Wake the F*#! Up” that will get people thinking about better methods for advancing TPS or Lean management.

Be sure to join the “WTFU with Bob Emiliani” webinar at 8 am on 25 September 2020. I will do a deep dive into why most leaders resist or reject Lean management based on my recent books.

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